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One of the refinery’s 解雇加热器 to improve performance and ability to provide feedstock flexibility
伍德工程团队之间的合作, SMEs and in-country specialists to address project needs and complexities

蒙斯塔德炼油厂是挪威最大的炼油厂, with a production capacity of around 每年800万吨原油.

位于卑尔根以北一小时车程, the refinery is operated by Equinor and plays a key role in the treatment of oil and gas from the 挪威 Continental Shelf. It produces enough petrol to cover four times Norway’s annual consumption, with around 80% of total production exported for essential fuel for transport, heating and electricity generation as well as industrial feedstock across Europe and parts of North America and Asia.

在过去的二十年里, Wood has supported Equinor across a multitude of their onshore and offshore assets which have played a critical role in the global energy mix.

作为一个值得信赖的工程合作伙伴,提供棕地改造, 伍德被Equinor雇佣来升级其中一个炼油厂 解雇加热器, a critical component to provide heat to support the refining process which produces the petroleum products that are key to our day-to-day life. The aim was to improve the heat distribution to the convection bank and the fired heater’s ability to handle the various courses of crude flowing through for processing, 从而提供更高的可靠性和操作灵活性, future-proofing the aging infrastructure and extending the life of the refinery’s operations in a capital efficient manner.

该项目将需要两个阶段的修改,以确保 燃烧加热器是面向未来的 并以最佳效率运行. The first phase has focused on making sure the correct infrastructure and equipment is in place – such as replacing the burner management system, 重新设计管道以确保更好的热量分配, 对对流和辐射段的管件和配件进行更换. The second phase will involve further modifications to automate the valves in the fired heater system, 降低劳动强度,实现智能化, predictive maintenance strategies that will improve the plant’s reliability.

The installation and commissioning of the modified infrastructure was scheduled to take place during the refinery’s annual pre-planned shutdown period. Meeting the scheduling in a turnaround is critical in order to prevent any impacts to production or ongoing operations, 并避免任何实质性的成本超支. Added to this, combustion equipment demands the utmost consideration to safety. It was therefore vital that the project team and the client maintained a 关闭 relationship to ensure all engineering, procurement and construction scopes were carried out diligently and any potential risks to safety and scheduling were identified and resolved quickly.


该项目由达灵顿的一个核心工程团队领导, in order to address specific needs and complexities at critical stages of the project, the team leveraged the expertise of Wood’s own fired heater specialists as well as the in-country operations team with their extensive knowledge of 挪威 oil and gas infrastructure and local resourcing/logistical requirements.

Collaborating and harnessing the collective expertise and capability of the teams to overcome challenges was key throughout this first phase. 例如, when all of the engineering design work had to be carried out during the height of the global pandemic, the teams were unphased by the challenge of being thrust into working from home. 带来他们的激情和创造力, they quickly explored different technologies that would enable them to collaborate, 沟通, 分享设计和管理截止日期, 确保他们与客户保持一个联合的方法, 对总体计划没有影响.

在准备安装阶段, the Darlington team were met with the challenge of arranging travel and work permits for UK resources to site whilst still navigating the various COVID-19 rules, 不断发展的规章制度和保障措施. 该团队与挪威运营团队合作, utilising their extensive experience and knowledge of local resourcing requirements, which enabled them to secure the necessary resources in time for the refinery’s shutdown period.


在网站, 基础设施的安装, 包括三个烟气管道和接入平台, 执行得非常细致, 所有的修改都是毫米级的.

One of the most complex operations involved the heavy lifting of the ducts, 每个重约24吨, 12.5米长,大约35米高. 由于团队有条不紊的计划, the ducts were safely lifted into place in around 20 minutes – an impressive feat given their enormous size.

事实上, this meticulous attention to detail by all the teams involved meant the 620-day project – from FEED through to commissioning and post-turnaround – was successfully delivered with no recordable safety incidents, 保持Wood卓越的HSE记录.

升级后的燃烧加热器就位了, heat distribution at the top of the convection bank has improved greatly, resulting in tube temperatures reducing well below 450°C and enhancing the operating life of the fired heater significantly.

Wood has commenced work on the next phase to automate the valves in the system, which will enable smarter decision-making around maintenance strategies and improve plant reliability. 这些团队将继续引领协作的道路, 工作共享和跨地点工作,确保项目成功, 防火加热器 为蒙斯塔德的炼油业务开启了新的篇章.